Can someone actually explain to me what Sharepoint does?  If I worked in Microsoft’s sales department the best pitch I could give is:

“It’s the greatest, most versatile product that has ever existed. You can use it to run any complex system that your imagination could dream up.” This however would only be what I would pitch, not believe.

I’ve asked the question “ What does Sharepoint do?” to Microsoft sales staff, developers, and consultants. It always starts with something like: “Well… it’s, you know, like… a collaboration tool… BUT! It can do a ton of other stuff too”.

And that is the best answer I’ve gotten.

I’ve asked the same question of SAP vendors, Microsoft Dynamics consultants, and IBM Watson Cloud experts. The answer is always some amorphous, borderline ridiculous answer consisting of “well it does a lot of things” and “it greatly depends on the user”. This was not me asking rhetorical questions either. I was not trying to be glib, or overly clever, or even to pull some sort of #iamverysmart coup de grâce. I was trying to articulate what I do for a living by standing on the shoulders of “giants”.

You see, my company builds a “platform as a service” (roughly) type product as well. Something that could be more than one thing to more than one person. I struggle constantly with explaining that our product is better than anything else on the entire market. This is not a brag, nor a marketing ploy – but only because what we do is so niche that only 100 or so companies in the world might care. And that is not the game IBM, Microsoft, and SAP are playing. They are ultimately the owners of your software. Sure the configurations, the modifications, and the custom programming on top of these platforms is yours, but if they take the platform away, or stop supporting it, what do you really have left? It’s even tougher in “the cloud” business because then if your subscription runs out you’re dead.

I recently made a prediction to a friend who was starting a project with IBM. I warned them of the potential lock-in problem by making a prediction something along the lines of “They are going to tell you they can build it quicker and more effienctly with IBM Watson Cloud. No project ever runs perfectly, and when you finally step in to set things straight, you will find out you have zero leverage. They will simply say you are more than welcome to fire them, because they know you would have to build everything over from scratch”. My predictions were to no avail. No one ever gets fired for hiring IBM. And guess what happened? The only upside is that I get to say “I told you so” a little more often.

There is hope! There are other ways that platforms can be useful but also safe. One way is to use an open source platform, one that if at worst comes to worst, you can fire all your consultants and hire new ones, and the platform is still going to be around.

This is a little tougher with very niche enterprise products like ours, but we’ve done something a little different to combat my lock-in loathing: Our  products are OWNED by our clients. We sign a three year, non-exclusive agreement with our clients for support and maintenance,  and a traditional license fee is baked in. They get all the source code, and agree not to resell it. But if we don’t perform, or our clients want to go a different way, they get to keep the software and build on it themselves. We earn our right to be at the table by being the experts in a system we designed, working with their developers, adding new features, bringing our industry expertise to the conversation, and hundreds of other small bits of value. In this way we hope to be at the top of the renewals list in three years.

The idea of someone taking your software away from me is abhorrent. If your car company one day sent you an email saying that you now had to upgrade your fuel tank, and there was going to be a new subscription service if you wanted to keep using the same type of gasoline, you would riot in the streets. The model of software is not what is wrong here, what is wrong is the lock-in. Vendor lock-in is amoral. If there is no ability to keep something running, and there is no TRUE data portability option, then you are basically being extorted.

I get that as a business you are trying to maximize profit. I try to do the same thing. However I want to my product and my company to seen as sticky because we are valuable, and not because we would just be too painful to get rid of.

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I help cruise lines turn their technical ideas into reality. I'm experienced in all stages of innovation and technology management. I've also been programing since I was 8 years old, and have somehow retained the ability to have normal human interactions. Occasionally I speak about how Industrial Psychology and Neurophysiology can be interrogated with IT and systems management, because I spend a lot of time thinking about the subject, as strange as that may seem.

How to Land Your First Tech Job: Or at least what I will tell you

Ah, the age-old question that haunts every college graduate’s dreams: “How do I get a job?” But not just any job. A job that doesn’t involve asking, “Would you like fries with that?” unless it’s a cheeky Slack message to your new tech team while deploying code (because, let’s face it, multitasking is key).

So, you’re fresh out of college, armed with a degree, and ready to conquer the tech world. But there’s a catch – everyone wants experience, and you’re fresh out of that. It’s like needing a job to get experience but needing experience to get a job. A real chicken and egg situation, except less philosophical and more annoying.

Now, before you start sending LinkedIn invites to every CEO with a pulse, hoping one of them will notice your enthusiasm (or desperation), let’s talk strategy.

1. Start a Blog – No, Seriously

First things first, start a blog. I give this advice to everyone, and you’re not going to take it, but I will keep trying.

“But I’m not a writer,” you protest. Well, guess what? Neither are most of your competitors when it comes to that job interview. But here’s the thing – writing helps you articulate thoughts, share knowledge, and most importantly, shows you’re committed. Write about what excites you in tech. Dissect the latest AI breakthrough, or maybe just rant about why tabs are better than spaces. It’s your stage. It’ll also help you greatly when interviewing. If you’ve actually researched and forced yourself to write about a topic, it’s WAY easier to talk about it.

If the thought of cranking out 500 words twice a week makes you sweat, consider this: if you can’t commit to a blog, how will you commit to a job? Harsh but fair.

2. Ship Something… Anything!

Next, if you’re a coder, designer, or any species of maker, you need to create something and get it out into the world. A portfolio is great, but a product is better. It doesn’t have to be the next Facebook. Heck, it can be a to-do list app that makes a satisfying ‘ding’ sound when you check off an item. But it shows you can see a project through from start to finish. Plus, nothing beats the thrill of seeing your creation out in the wild, even if it’s only used by three people (including your mom). And three users is way more than what most juniors come to interviews with.

3. Polish That LinkedIn Profile

Ah, LinkedIn, the worse MySpace of the professional world. It might not be the most exhilarating social network, but it’s where the grown-ups and LinkedIn Lunatics go to humble brag. So, get your profile in tip-top shape. Showcase your blog, add a professional photo (no, your beach selfie doesn’t count), and maybe sprinkle in a few insightful comments on posts. Show the world you know how to play the game. It’s only for show as a junior, and everyone knows it, so don’t go overboard.

4. Read. Then Read Some More.

While not the world’s biggest Jim Mattis fan, I got a bit of a kick in the pants after reading his Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead. In it he said “If you haven’t read 100 books on the field in which you claim to be an expert, then you are functionally illiterate.” That was a bit of a wake up call for me as a CEO. So if you’re a junior, lets make that rule “If you haven’t read at least five books about your chosen profession, you’re not ready to be a junior anything.” It’s a bold claim, but let’s face it, you’re competing with people who live and breathe this stuff. Catch up.

5. Network, Even If It’s Painful

Finally, networking. Yes, it’s awkward. Yes, it feels like speed dating but with business cards. But knowing what’s happening in your field and who the players are is invaluable. So, go to those tech meetups, chat with people, and yes, maybe even endure a few boring conversations about someone’s revolutionary blockchain startup. Try and meet one or two people who know me before you reach out to me. Then we can have someone to gossip about, and it’ll feel more personal. Tampa has a few good tech networks that throw decent, free events where you can find people who know me. Check out Tampa Bay Wave, Embarc Collective, and Tampa Bay Technology Forum.

And there you have it. Five steps to improve your odds of landing a job in tech. Most won’t follow this advice, but if you do, you’ll be ahead of the game. And who knows, one day, I might be asking you for a job. Or at least, for some tips on my blog.